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  • College Job Coach

Top 3 Interview Questions for College Students

When getting ready for an interview, you need to be prepared about what is going to be asked. Sure, there are some standard interview questions that you know someone is going to ask and then there are some that are very specific to the job. Here are the top 3 interview questions that college students usually get asked and we’ll also describe the best way to reply to them.

1. Why do you want to work here? This is a very general question and it shows the interviewer that you care about the company. The best way to have a good understanding is to Google the company and find out more about it. Also, see if there are some specific projects and news stories that might seem relevant. You will want to mention that the company has a good reputation in the that industry. Also, you share the values of the company. It isn’t just a paycheck for you because you care more about the profession.

2. What experience to do you have for the job? This question is way to showcase your skills. Some of these might be more hard or soft skills. It might also include specific projects you have worked on, areas that you have studied or have a particular focus, as well as being able to show that you an contribute to the company. This of this as the highlight reel. If someone wanted to get to know you, tell them what you want or “think” want to hear about you.

3. Why should I hire you? This is a question that is very simple to answer but people often can mention something that doesn’t help them. This question gives you a way to recap your accomplishments and connect it with the open position requirement. Simple. Mention about the qualifications needed for the job and how you have them. Incorporate that you are a team player and can also handle input to make the project a success.

So these are the top 3 interview questions that we find college students get asked during the interview. Remember, to keep the conversation flowing well and feel like you are able to match and feel like to you can answer the questions well to what the interviewer is saying.

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